Thursday, January 23, 2014


I want to start this blog beginning with what has changed my life significantly in the past two years, and for me that's my acne. I lived my entire life with clear skin until two summers ago I broke out all over my cheeks and it was horrifying to me. It was life changing to meet new people or show my face to people in general and be afraid that they would assume I was unsanitary or didn't take care of myself because of my appearance. Just a few months ago I started a prescription drug called Accutane, a really strong drug that not just anybody with acne is eligible to take; it's been a little over two months and so far it has been a stressful, painful journey for me.
When I first broke out I started searching "full coverage foundation tutorials" on YouTube and discovering a community of girls around my age who did product reviews on makeup, gave everyday fashion tips, and had fun doing it. All of these young girls have encouraged me to start a blog of my own. It seems motivating to have a clean, organized space for me to talk about what I think is interesting and fun.
Expect to see posts about my outfit or makeup for the day, favorite album of the week, skin care updates, life in manhattan, and more.